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How to Get a Luxury Car for Less Money

By: StaffSeptember 2, 20212 min

It’s a buyer’s market right now, and if you play it smartly, you can get a luxury car for less than you might think, with some models even starting in the low $30,000s. All you have to do is hold the extras. Just like a hamburger, a luxury car is only as excessive as all the cheese and ketchup and fried onion strings and fire-smoked BBQ bacon strips you put on it. When you take away all the unnecessary toppings, you’re left with a more guilt-free burger—and a more affordable car. Trim the fat. Find out how you can buy a luxury car for less in three easy steps.

Cars often have several versions of the same model, and the difference is usually in the engine size. More expensive versions come with the larger, more powerful engines. But if you’re looking for a deal, skip the V8. A V6 can help you get a luxury car for less money because you will save thousands not only on the purchase price but also on fuel since bigger engines are bigger gas guzzlers.

High-tech navigation systems, power adjustable and heated seating, leather upholstery all add up to big bucks for your luxury car’s total. Getting a luxury car for less money means making a few doable sacrifices along the way. So pass on the premium packages to save where you can. It might be hard to give up those retractable headlight washers that you won’t even remember to use, but you can do it.

Manufacturers like to keep the image of the luxury car at a high standard, so getting a rebate is probably not an option. However, you can still find other ways to get a luxury car for less money. You can save in the form of low financing rates or lease deals. If you find a good financing incentive, take it. Try to also put a lot of money down initially and fight for shorter terms to lighten your interest load. You can also look into leasing for an affordable option. There are plenty of ways to make that luxury car purchase a reality. Along with these tips, also remember to research before going into a dealership. You won’t get bamboozled by a slick salesperson, and you’ll be more ready to take a deep breath and decline all the shiny new extras you’ll be offered.


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