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What Not to Say When Buying a Car

By: StaffSeptember 15, 20212 min

Read the following five phrases to find out what not to say when buying a car.

  1. “I need a car now, and I’m madly in love with this one!”
    Salespeople need you. You don’t need them. Remember this when you’re shopping for a car. If you let on that, you need to get a car and fast, you’re giving the dealer the green light to walk all over you when it comes time to negotiate. The salesperson figures that if you need the car, you won’t take any risks in walking away if the price is high. Not only that, but you’re a target for the dealer to unload slow-moving inventory. Keep your eagerness in check too and watch what you say. Even if you’re excited about a particular car and are confident you’ll be walking away with it before you even walk into the dealership, don’t let the dealer know. He or she already realizes that people make a lot of purchases based on emotions. If your dealer has a handle on yours, you won’t get them back until you sign the dotted line.
  2. “I can pay in cash!”
    Dealerships make a lot of money through financing. They count on you to increase the overall price of the car just by paying interest on it. So if they know that you can pay in full—or even if they know that you’re going to be doing outside financing—they’ll be more stubborn on the sticker price.
  3. “Um, well…”
    Don’t hesitate. When you’re unsure during a car sale, you don’t want to open yourself up to being swayed. The dealer will pull out all the stops to tip you to his or her side. To remain confident, bring a friend along to pick up some of the slack. Ask your tag-along cue questions to get him or her talking while you think, or excuse yourself to the restroom while your friend gabs on and on about a clunker to the dealer.
  4. “What about my monthly payment?”
    Wait to talk about monthly payments until after the purchase price has been settled. When so many numbers are flying around, it’s easier for the dealer to talk concerning the monthly payment instead of the overall price—which always makes any cost seem “doable.”
  5. “Want to see my trade-in?”
    Don’t put the keys to your old car in the dealer’s hand if you haven’t shaken it first. That way, they won’t be “misplaced” when you’re about to walk away from an unfair deal. You won’t have to stay and negotiate longer until they find them. And you’ll avoid any smoke screens when they offer you a great deal on it but jack up the price of the new car instead.

Knowing what not to say when buying a car helps you try for the best and most honest price you can get on a new car.

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